Join Us


The only requirement for membership is the willingness to support!

Become a member to support Fayetteville State University and stay connected to a powerful global network of alumni.
Your membership also provides deserving students with scholarships to the University.

Who Can Join?

An Alumni Member shall be defined as any graduate of FSU or any person who matriculated at the University in pursuit of a degree.

An At-Large Member is a member who doesn’t want to be in a local chapter or lives where no chapter exists

Active membership in the National Alumni Association strengthens your alma mater, allowing us to provide special events in your communities and to award scholarships to students to attend FSU while enabling you to stay connected. The FSU National Alumni Association also provides exclusive benefits to our members, thanks to our corporate partners.

Membership gives you the pride and satisfaction that you are making a difference in the present and future of Fayetteville State University! Proud To Be!

Membership Plans

Annual National Membership - $50.00

1 Year - July 1(Current Year)

Member-At-Large Membership - $50.00

1 Year - July 1(Current Year)

National Life Membership - $1000.00

N/A - N/A

1- time payment for FSU National Alumni Association. *Local Member dues will Still be required yearly*

Fayetteville State University National Alumni Association, Inc. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION

“We are Stronger in Numbers & Together We Win”

Membership year: July 1-June 30

    Membership Levels-Check One:

    (Note: You will still need to connect with your local chapter to pay your local dues)

    What is 7 + 3 ?

    Membership Payment Options:
    Make checks/money orders payable to: FSUNAA
    Mail to: FSUNAA
    P. O. Box 507 Hope Mills, North Carolina 28348
    Thank you for your commitment to FSU!

    This Membership Application must accompany your payment please
    complete and email to

    Please click here to fill out form to print and mail payment by Money Order or Check!!

    Our Events

    Get In Touch

    PO Box 507 Hope Mills, NC 28348

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